User profile directory

Directorio de perfiles de usuario

View the company directory and co-worker profiles.
All the people you work with in the same directory with updated information: email addresses, phone numbers.
Gives you the opportunity to meet and network with people you work with.
The goal of having a complete profile is to have visibility, i.e., to see and be seen. If my colleagues have completed profiles (photo, CV, specialties, interests, etc.) I will be able to better locate experts in various fields within my organization and save time, as I won't have to search for this information. If I complete my profile, I will have more visibility: my knowledge, experience, interests, jobs skills, etc., will all be available to my community, indicating what my professional and personal interests are. This helps in receiving advice and information that interests me.
In your profile you can manage personal data, contact data, your work experience, companies, your academic background, and your Web sites.
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